Friday, October 29, 2010

Regret or what is it?

Well, any of you that read my blog yesterday would've seen my paragraph long rant about my husband not wanting to come home from work to help me out a little bit, etc.  Stephen read the rant somehow and became very upset....soooooooooo....I have deleted it.  He's still upset, and although I know why he is upset, I'm not sure what to think about it.  I really do love my husband, and I want to have a good relationship with him.  Over the years, things have come between us for various reasons, and although they can cause turmoil, it doesn't mean I love him any less.  He is a great guy, a great husband, a great dad to my kids.  He works really hard---most of the time---too hard.  He would like to blame it on me (and it is a little bit of my fault since I like to have things, go to dinner, buy my kids things, etc.), but he's also a workaholic and perfectionist.  I'm just frustrated.  So, when I woke up this morning upset about the whole thing, I'm not sure if I'm upset because I regret what I wrote or if it's because I don't like him being mad with me.  I think it's probably the latter as I really don't think anything I said was untrue or off-course.  Anyway, I'll leave it at that.  It'll work itself out.

I am hanging around the house this morning and then taking Gracen to the St. John's festival around 11.  GG will be with Sammy Parker.  The kids are both happily watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Their little faces are so cute :). 

1 comment:

AQ said...

I can understand where he's coming from on this. My husband and I have had similar differences of opinion when it comes to ranting about issues I've got with him. The thing that I've found works best in terms of how far a rant can go is this - "You catch more flies with honey over vinegar." What I'm trying to say is I can rant to make my point/get what I'm trying to get but the way I do it is just as important as what I'm trying to say and if I my delivery of my argument or issue is gentler, Dave is much more inclined to not just hear me out but also oblige me - and that's even if he doesn't agree!