Friday, October 22, 2010

It's a's a, IT'S POP BUNNY!

Samuel Parker Armsworthy was born March 22, 2010.  Easter landed two weeks later.  My dad, being the sucker he was for Gracen, arrived one day in the week prior to Easter, bearing a gift for her. It was a store bought-ready made Easter basket.  It had about 3 pieces of candy in...(the M&Ms were the only things she could eat)...and a pink, soft Easter bunny.  I laughed and laughed at this Easter sweet, yet completely something that Gracen couldn't do anything with, except for the bunny.  I thought it was cute of my dad, but we all just laughed about it being something that dad would do...pick up an Easter basket from the pharmacy or it means so much to me. 

The bunny eventually ended up downstairs in a tub marked "Gracen's first stuff animals". When dad got sick though, I brought it back upstairs and Gracen has slept with it every night since July.  We lovingly refer to it as "Pop Bunny".  Pop Bunny spends many hours having tea parties, birthday cake, etc.  She never leaves him out.   A piece of dad is always with Gracen.  Oh yeah, Pop Bunny likes to take naps too. 

Last night I asked dad to help me out with this yard sale we are having tomorrow.  I often ask dad to help me now.  I had trouble with it at first, but then I remember, it's dad...and he would do anything for us. 
So, today when Mary Helen was helping me tag stuff, she said, "I found a dime!  Do you know what that means?  It means your dad is looking out for you!"  She then explained to me that she was told that when you find dimes lying around it means that a deceased loved one is looking out for you.  Strange, huh?  She said she finds them in the craziest places. If you don't believe me, google it!  I know my dad is all around me, but it helps to have a sign every now and again. :)

And speaking of Mary Helen....big shout out to her!  LOVE that lady.  Mary Helen is one of those people in life that you are sooooooooooo super happy you are friends with ....and that friendship never dies.  She is a jack of all trades and can do anything.....always willing to help ANYONE with ANYTHING they need.  When I was younger (around 15)...I started baby-sitting for her children.  At that time, there were 4 of them, and then her family grew to 6.  They are the BEST kids in the world and range in age from 11-20.  The youngest is my Godson and recently, Mary Helen became Godmother to my little boy.  She and her husband and children are my second family, and I love them to pieces!  So happy I found them 16 years ago!

Super high hopes about my yard sale tomorrow. I have a ton of stuff to sell, and I hope it goes. I could really use the extra change to pick up some Christmas gifts for the kids or some clothing for them. 

My children are both sleeping now, and I'm thinking about joining them for at least 20 minutes.  Oh yeah, I finally decided to open this up to the "public".  I hope they don't think I'm too corny!

Love you all!

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