Thursday, October 21, 2010


I was going to go ahead and add on to today's post, but I thought I would just start another.  Yesterday, as I was saying, mom, Gracen, and me were up in Waldorf....Toys R Us, the mall, etc.  Then we had family dinner night at Mom's.  Oh how I love it and dread it all at the same time.  I think it's good.  Well, I know it's a great thing.  I wish we had done it when dad was alive.  I swear, I always think that I'm going to hear his truck come in the driveway or hear the screen door open.  He would always wipe his feet a couple of times at the door...maybe whistle a for Gracen.  I can see his grey t-shirt and flannel jacket...his bow legs and steel toe boots.  I can smell him too.  I have a hunting jacket of his that I sleep with at night.  It smells awful, but it smells like dad--haha.  Last night, my husband and my brother were out in his garage.  They had the light on...and for a split second I could look out the sunroom window and pretend that was dad on a usual evening.  I always leave out of that driveway looking at the pole barn...looking at the tractors, his boat, gadgets he collected, etc. Tonight was emotional for me as we walked through Lowes.  I thought of dad doing that and also thought of him as I looked through the Christmas stuff.  Not that dad was totally in to Christmas, but he enjoyed it when the grandkids came along.  When I was little, my Pop Pop (his dad) used to make his annual visits to everyone's house to see what Santa brought and dad was doing that with Gracen.  Kills me that he couldn't continue that tradition.  I guess I'm getting ahead of myself with the holidays, but I know it's coming. I just keep trying to think of what dad told me in my dream. 

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday to my MIL, Betty Lynn!  What a great lady, and my kids love her to pieces!

I am getting pretty excited over the prospect of having two kids to tutoring (hopefully starting next week).  I'm also getting excited about the yard sale we are having on Saturday.  I'm hoping it's not too late in the season.  I have a ton of stuff to get rid of and wouldn't mind some pocket change either. 

Well, I guess I'm going to go rot my mind with the last episode of Jersey Shore.  Why not, right?

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