Thursday, October 21, 2010

I had a dream...

I didnt' get a chance to write yesterday...busy at Toys R Us...mall, etc.  Super busy this morning too, but I wanted to share an e-mail that I wrote to my family this morning.  This sums it all up.  I'm off to lunch in a little bit, but I'll have more to share about yesterday and today when I get back. 

Hi guys,
I had a dream last night that I wanted to share with you.  It probably sounds really silly, but it was so real and so powerful that I think it needs to be shared.
Dad was in my dream last night.  We were at the house.  Kate Roth was there of all people (Stephen's ex).  I was over to the side crying and over to the other side was dad.  He was sitting on the couch, and he was looking at the collage of himself. As I was crying (and I must have been in my sleep too), he looked over his shoulder at me and said in typical dad fashion, "Why are you crying.  There is nothing to cry about."  I wish I could've had more time in my dream but then my husband's alarm clock sounded....ugh!
It may sound dumb and yet so simple, but I think it speaks volumes.  That isn't to say I will never cry about dad, obviously, but that dream (at least for now) has brought me a lot of comfort.  I hope it does the same for you.  Right after he died, I had a dream about him too.  I was holding his hand, and it was sooooooooooo real.  I woke up still feeling like I was holding it. 
I truly hope these are dad's little ways of reaching us from Heaven. 
Kristen and Teresa, please pass along to Jeff and your mom if you feel the need to....and Mom Mom and Pop Pop if it helps.  I had to type it because it's too emotional for me to say. 
I hope you guys have a great day!
Love, Shannon

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