Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And the worst hair cut award goes to.....

Caught your attention, didn't it?  No, it's not me....rather my daughter instead.  Poor thing.  She has some pretty thick, yet very fine hair.  There's really only one way to cut it so that it doesn't get on my nerves....straight across bangs.  It's really not the hair dresser's fault.  I'll just be super happy in about a week when her bangs grow out a bit, and she doesn't look so "Amish".  Dad used to always say that after I would get her hair cut. :)  I'll post a picture later if I can get her to sit still for that long! 

Here I sit, goldfish in hand, laptop in my....well....lap, tv on, kids asleep, and 3 loads of laundry folded.  I have honestly never seen a four person house produce so much laundry.  I guess it all comes from having a baby. As Gracen has gotten older, and less messy, I rarely have to do laundry for her.  Parker, on the other hand, is always spitting up, or getting food on himself or something! Don't you just love the smell and feel of fresh laundry, though?  I know I do!

It is unseasonably warm here in Clements today....76 degrees and counting!  By Thursday it is supposed to be 80!  I don't like 80 in October.  I am a summer girl for sure, but when it's fall and winter then it needs to feel like it!  I am going to take the kids to the SJS fall festival on Friday and it's supposed to be in the 50s...brrrrrr.  I might try to get someone to watch Parker that day so I don't have to take him out.  I really want to show him off though! 

The beauty of where I live is astounding...especially this time of year.  Having lived on a farm most of my life, I have a great appreciation for changing leaves and a cool breeze.  Right now, I live across from a farm...a corn maze farm actually so this is prime season for them.  I was looking out the window this morning and thinking how I love where I live.  It's so beautiful and peaceful here.  Just a short 15 minutes away is Solomon's Island and every Spring and Summer, I never hesitate to repeat over and over again how much I love where I live and how lucky I am to be so close to such a place.  I LOVE getting out into the city, but THIS is where I belong.  Well, I really belong in Hollywood, MD, but that will come with time. 

I can't wait to take the kids out to trick-or-treat on Thursday and Sunday.  They are going to be adorable and Gracen is so excited about her first "real" Halloween experience.  She helped me make Halloween bags today and was actually pretty good at it.  Sometimes I think she is a really smart little cookie for her age.  Sammy Parker will be the parrot this year and Gracen will be a pirate.  Perfect, I think.  Check out their costumes :).

I did some Christmas shopping this morning, which always makes me feel good. Toys R Us is offering free shipping on orders over $100 now...can't beat that.  I got Gracen the Little Mommy Doll, Barbie roller skates, and then a tub toy for Parker.  Poor Parker..Santa better start looking into what he can get Sammy Parker or Gracen's pile will like look a mountain compared to his!  I'm also thinking about purchasing the Step 2 toy box.  My cousin has them for her children, and she loves them.  I'm going to measure Gracen's closet tonight and see if it will fit in there.  Her room is so small....if I could hide something, that would be great!  In addition, I could store her shoes on the shelves that it has. 

Unfortunately, I just got some really sad news about a good friend's mother who just passed away.  I've come to the conclusion that losing a parent is hard at any age, although I would like to think I would be a little less sad if dad had been 86 instead of 56.  Waaaaaaaaaaaaay too young I tell you.  The unfortunate part is that death is a part of life, and we all have to deal with it at some point (written in a card to me by one of my previous students---love it).        

Guess I better get on the ball, off my @#$ and clean this place up before Stephen comes home.  I'm sure he'll be late so I guess I have time.  He'll wonder what I did all day!  Wiping butts and having food spit at you is such a glorious job :).                 

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