Wednesday, October 27, 2010

SHE'S GOING TO GET WORMS!.....AND....The afternoon from Hell...

I know my mom is screaming at the screen right now if she is reading this, while calling me at the same time.  Gracen and I made a cake this afternoon. It's our Wednesday night dinner over at Mom and Dad's, and I was waiting for the perfect time to make our Halloween cake.  I just HAD to let her lick the beater, right?  I don't think it turned out too badly for a sheet cake!

Ugh, what an afternoon.  After lunch, Gracen played and watched tv and Parker hung out in his exersaucer while I swept and mopped the floors.  No, that's not the hellish part.  The hellish part was trying to get her down for a nap.  I'm trying to figure out what she ate that had her so revved up but she would not lay down. At one point, I walked out of the room with Parker and told her not to follow.  She did of course, and I "chased" her back up onto her bed.  I told her she better lay down where she very promptly went full force with her forehead into her headboard.  LOVELY.  I checked it out...they'll be a spunk knot there, but now I'll be checking on her every five minutes.  Head injuries...big or small....make me so paranoid.  Oh yeah, did I mention that was right after Parker rolled off of her bed.  Even more scary :(.  He was quite scared but seems very okay.  He is asleep now which I know I wasn't supposed to let him do...but it's his nap time.  I will be tickling him every 5 minutes as well.  Ugh...I will be glad when the evening is over, and I can rest easily.  Most of the time I pray that I don't hear a peep from them for about 2-3 hours.  Now I'll be happy to hear them rustling about.  I swear, I am anything but a neglectful parent....stupid sometimes, maybe...but not neglectful. 

Anyway, I have Parker sleeping next to me on the couch so I can keep tabs on him.  The house is pretty clean so my soap (General Hospital) is on now.  I wish I could take a small nap, but I'm too afraid to not keep watch over them!  I also want to keep watch on the sky too!  We are under a Tornado Watch---hate it! At least I have my WeatherBug to keep me informed though (Leslie) hahahaha.

I'm still getting used to the blogging thing. I'm not sure if it's acceptable to blog multiple times a day or just once at the end of the day.  Weigh in, would ya?  I'll just be here working on my Mother of the Year award. 

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