Sunday, October 17, 2010

1 month and 61 years

My dad died a month ago today...September 17th.  61 years ago, my grandparents said, "I do". 

Happy Anniversary to my amazing maternal grandparents (my paternal ones are pretty amazing as well).  Growing up, I spent most of my days with Granny and Pop Lynch.  In fact, I still do.  Except now, my kids get to enjoy GG and Pop Pop.  GG and Gracen spend hours playing make-believe at least once or twice a week.  "Pop Pop" plays the guitar for Gracen while she dances and sings joyfully.  I treasure these moments so much.  I just don't understand why my parents didn't get to even make it to 33 years. :(

Here are Granny and Pop enjoying each other at their favorite place on earth!

Two of the coolest people I know.  Looking pretty good for 61 years, huh?

Stephen is not working on the boat today, which is very nice.  The boat money is good, but having him home can be better.  I say, CAN BE.   I'm still ticked out him for working 11 hours of overtime over the past 3 weeks and only claiming 2.  That's a whole blog in and of itself. 

We'll be going over to Hollywood (where I belong) this evening to carve pumpkins at Aunt Jenny's house with the kids.  God love her for being so gracious and having us.  I know it's not easy, but she's the only one with a huge garage!  Mommy is looking forward to having a margarita too---perhaps.  Jenny's margaritas are by far the best in the county!  She has them down to a science!

You couldn't ask for a prettier day than what we have here in good ol' St. Mary's.  It's 74 degrees without a cloud in the sky and breezy.  I can hear the comings and goings of the corn maze and pumpkin farm across the street.  All my windows are open.  I would like to say the kids are napping, but my monitor has just alerted me to the fact that Parker, AKA "The Situation," AKA "Man Man" is up.  1 hour!  At least he is a pleasant little thing.  Oh if only mommy could've gotten in a nap too.  Oh well! Such is life.  'Til later, folks.

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