Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh where to begin?!

WOW. I would have to say that I feel quite productive today and quite guilty all at the same time.  I got so much accomplished, but my poor kids took a back seat all day.  Now they are taking their afternoon naps so I don't feel quite as guilty blogging right now.

Hmmm, well where to start.  I woke up this morning around 6 to my daughter screaming and crying, "Gracen want to get in the tubby!"  HUH?  Where did THAT come from?  My children will sleep through the night but not soundly.  They have never been good sleepers.  My dad always told me that was payback for how I was as a child...haha.  It's not funny now, dad!  So, anyway, she started ranting about that and woke up Parker who began to cry.  Eventually, I ended up with both of them in the bed.  She finally snapped out of it and wanted to play.  Somehow I managed to get both back to sleep.  Parker slept until about 7:15 and Gracen slept until about 7:45.  Oh what is wrong with my children??????????

Today---this morning---gave me a new resolve to write a letter to Georgetown University Hospital...commenting on the pitiful care my dad was given while being a patient there.  My mom keeps getting bills, and I don't believe she should have to pay them.  It's a long story, but I wouldn't send my DOG to Georgetown.  I wanted to write this letter months ago, when my dad was still living, but never had the chance to. Then after he died, I wrestled with doing it because I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing he was dead.  So, I finally did it and feel a thousand times better.  I am still waiting to draft a final letter with the help of my dad's sisters, but it's a good 6 pages and will probably be longer when it is all said and done.  I just want justice for my dad.  I don't want his death to be in vain.

While doing all of this, my poor kids had to fend for themselves.  I did manage to take them out to McDonald's to get a sweet tea and also a hamburger for Gracen since I felt so terrible about ignoring her all morning! McDonald's did nothing but annoy me.  I'm it just me or does every person at every McDonald's just seem completely incompetent?  I'm not sure if it's the label that they have been given that makes them so bad or if they are just that bad?  It's like what came first, the chicken or the egg?  Well, I spent 15 unhappy minutes in the drive through line.  I ordered a sweet tea with no ice, a hamburger, and a McChicken sandwich with only pickles.  I left the window with a hamburger, sweet tea WITH ice, and a fish fillet. Seriously?  They are very few times where I go back to McDonald's to fix an incorrect order, but I had to do it this time.  I dragged both kids inside.  I carried Parker in his bucket seat and had Gracen by the hand.  Parker held all the food for me--haha.  I explained to them what had happened.  They were very apologetic and I walked away with an apple apple pie.  I guess that's a good analogy for life, isn't it?  Whatever, sad as it may seem, I'll probably be back there again tomorrow, ordering my sweet tea.  McDonald's is like a train wreck I can't help but watch. 

It's 3:30 and about 45 minutes ago, I put both kids down for a nap.  I'm not sure what my son's problem is lately, but no nap would be complete without him waking up 30 minutes into it, screaming bloody murder.  Teeth?  I don't know, but it's sad and annoying at the same time.  What a mess!  I keep staring at the monitor. Everytime he flinches, I pray he doesn't wake up! The boy needs to sleep!  I wish I could let him do the "cry it out" method, but that has never worked with my kids.  I would love to know how many people have success with that.  I'm tired of reading about those kids, who after the 3rd or 4th night finally get it and life is bliss thereafter.  I firmly believe that my kids would scream until their vocal chords exploded.  In addition, the amount of time I let them scream equals the amount of time it takes them to come down off of their fit.  So, my life is easier, in some ways if I just hold them.  I keep thinking that by 5, it should all be cured, right? 

I really should be taking a nap right now, but I feel like I have so much to say.   In addition, I'm sure the minute I lay my head down, Parker will begin screaming again....or not....we can hope right. 

And here we go again....I'll be back to post pics later. they are! 

Bowles Farm!

Banana Bread and Sitting Up!

Carving Pumpkins!

(look at this next face...grossed out by pumpkin guts)

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