Friday, October 29, 2010

Santa Claus is coming to town...

Okay, so shoot me for typing that, but I can't help myself.  I just called Toys R Us to make sure that I was on their mailing list because I did not receive one of their toy catalogs last year, and I am dying to get it this year!  Anyway, looks like I am on their mailing list, and it is on its way.  Whew, crisis averted!  Quite honestly, aside from the ever stinging pain of dad being gone, I am looking forward to this Christmas.  Gracen completely understands what is going on, and Parker gets excited about everything.  We will be having a lot of fun this year.  I even had some gifts arrive today!  I'm also anxiously awaiting the arrival of the first Christmas commercial.  I haven't seen any thus far.

The Grays did another wonderful job of putting on a great fall festival for SJS.  I was so happy to see some of my old co-workers/friends and Gracen had a great time---maybe too good of a time!  Her favorite thing was getting to ride the pony, Peanut.  I actually can't wait to put her in horseback riding lessons.  I think she would do really well.  She was she was going around on Peanut she kept saying, "Howdy Partner," and tipping her helmet/hat.  I'm not sure where she gets this stuff from!  She fell sound asleep on the way home, and I had to somehow, very cautiously, get her pull-ups on her for fear she would wet the bed during her nap time!  I was able to get them on without her even budging.  Parker, on the other hand, was up when I got home, and he still is!  That boy has got to go to bed!  Here is Gracen riding the pony, peanut...

My little girl is getting way too big!


Anonymous said...

She got "howdy partner" from Woody. I think she is becoming a little Toy Story fan. Jack will make sure of it.

The Armsworthys of Clements said...

Too funny! Oh what conversations those two could have! I'm beginning to love Toy Story myself. We were in Target tonight, and I wanted to buy her every TS3 thing in there!