Friday, October 29, 2010


So tonight I'm in Panera and Target and this thought comes to mind...

I'm a little confused as to why NO bathrooms...ANYWHERE I have been, contain short sinks and short toilets.  I mean, you know...for a midget...OR a potty-training toddler?  I am so tired of lifting her off the toilet while she hems and haws forever about whether she wants to go or not.  Then I'm sick of having to lift her up to wash her hands.  Bathroom trips sure aren't what they used to be.  Funny, but yesterday when I was at my aunt's work, I went to the bathroom without anyone in tow.  It was absolutely amazing if I do say so myself.  It's funny how relieved I was when I realized I didn't have to wipe anyone's butt, but my own.  I didn't have to wash anyone's hands...but my own!  So, heads up to all you restaurants, stores, etc.  Would it really be THAT big of a deal to have ONE stall with a short toilet and just ONE sink that's about 2 feet off the ground? I can't wait until Parker is potty training, and it's Stephen's job to take him.   JUUUUUUUUUST SAYIN'!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One word for you - Purell! Carry it in your purse. That way at least you don't have to lift her to wash her hands. It was my lifesaver when I was preggo w/ Gracie.