Sunday, November 7, 2010


That's pretty much all I have to say after today.  Have you ever had those days that make you want to crawl in bed next to your babies while they are sleeping and just hug them forever?  I have been the most awful person today.  I've yelled at my husband, my mother, and my kids.  And I'm not saying some of it wasn't warranted, but wow, when I look back.....

I guess it all started with the lovely time change.  Guess it'll be a good week before my kids get back on track with sleeping.  Then it was my ever mindful knowledge of dad being gone and that constant thought about how really FINAL death is.  I mean, I'll never see my dad again (in this life anyway)...and that could be 5 years or 50 years....there is nothing to bring him back.  Then, neither child took a good nap today...oh wait, I mean ANY nap today.  And really, looking back it was my fault.  My kids are very routined oriented and cannot stray off course.  BUT, I wanted to attend a family event and Stephen was working on the boat so I had no choice but to take them.  Well, they both fell asleep in the car on the way home for a whopping 15 minutes, and that would've been great, but the transfer from car to bed was completely unsuccessful....thus leaving my children, cranky and walking around in their sleep until about 8:30 when they finally went to bed.  And here's the best part....I think I reprimanded Gracen a majority of the night and even let Parker cry in his crib!  Ugggghhh, I feel like poo.  Then my husband was gracious enough to bring home and cook....hard crabs!  Of course, I yelled at him too for one reason or another (once again---some was justified).  I don't know.  Just been an blah day.  Hormones I tell ya!  Well, blogging makes me feel better. 

Off to dreamland I am.  Hoping tomorrow brings a better day....


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that happens a lot here. Usually it's due to my own lack of sleep. Hope you have a better day tomorrow :)

The Armsworthys of Clements said...

Thanks, Angela!