Monday, November 8, 2010


Well, it's 2:38 pm and both of my kids are sound asleep.  The day has gone well.  No meltdowns from Gracen and Parker took a two hour morning nap (which rarely happens).  I was able to organize some clothing (summer stuff), Stephen brought me a McDonald's sweet tea this morning and pancakes for Gracen, and lunch went very well for all.  I'm not sure what it is, but it didn't seem as chaotic today.  I think some of it had to do with the fact that I took a shower early this morning while Stephen was still here.  That was a great idea as I was able to take my time AND have the door closed.  The kids did wake up at 6 due to the lovely time change, but I took it in stride.  I know they'll get back to their normal schedule. In fact, Parker went back to sleep from 7-7:30 so when he woke up again it was kind of like his normal time to wake up.  I'm hoping they can get back on track this evening and into tomorrow.  The house is in a bit of disarray but nothing I can't quickly pick up.  I did all my major cleaning yesterday with the scrubbing of the kitchen and bathrooms.  I did the vacumming today and will do some dusting later this evening.  Ah, perk of living in a smaller house.  All of the space in this house gets used constantly, but it's so small that even though I have to clean it CONSTANTLY, it's not that bad. 

The only real issue today that's bothering me is money woes as normal.  A conversation with the hubby today brought up some issues, which I hope to discuss in a calm and rational matter with him this evening.  I just need a job, and I need a job like yesterday. 

So the kids are asleep, and I'm going to take a small nap with them since all my cleaning has been done.  I feel like such a louse when I say I'm going to take a nap.  When I say that I know people think the life of a stay-at-home mom is so wonderful. I can hear it now, "I wish I could take a nap!"  Well, you know, I wouldn't mind trading sometimes.  I love time with my babies, but the grass "ain't always greener on the other side."  


AQ said...

The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's greenest where you water it. ;) [Courtesy of one of my wonderful sisters-in-law]

Glad things are looking up for you!

The Armsworthys of Clements said...

Love that!