Monday, November 15, 2010

"My a baby duckling."

Meet Gracen.  She greets me several times a day as a new creature/character.  This morning she was a baby duckling.  Other days she might be a kitten, baby puppy (yes, BABY puppy), baby elephant, or even Pirate Pablo (which leaves me being Pirate Uniqua---Backyardigans).  My personal favorite was the other day when I was Mr. Lopart and she was Fluffy (Handy Manny). 

Gracen will be 3 on December 28th.  I can hardly believe it.  Even though I wanted to get pregnant right away once married, Gracen wasn't exactly planned.  I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant...and then when we found out it was a girl!  I always say that God knew I had to wait so long to get married and have babies that he blessed me right away with two healthy and beautiful children. 

I went into labor on the 27th of December with Gracen and arrived at the hospital at 7:45 pm.  She was born at 4:37 am the next morning, weighing 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long.  I wouldn't say my labor was painful at all.  I did puke repeatedly and my blood pressure dropped very low, but I would do it all over again and did, with Parker (although his was a LITTLE easier in some ways).  I remember how badly I wanted that little girl to come BEFORE Christmas so I could dress her up and take her out.  She had her own ideas though...and has ever since.

When Gracen was younger, she screamed so badly that her dr. diagnosed her with acid reflux (who isn't these days).  We even took her for an upper GI---nothing. Oh yeah, we took her to UMD too.  They upped her zantac but that was all.  I remember nights of rocking in the chair with her, crying...both of us.  She finally grew out of it about the age of  6 months or so, but she never took good naps.  Actually, she slept through the night from age 3 months on, but good naps would not come until she was over a year old when I could start giving her one a day.  She didn't walk until 16 months and didn't talk until Parker was born----so almost 2 1/2.  I guess she figured she needed to step it up a bit.  Now, at 34 months, she is a thriving, almost 3 year old.  Disspelling all the fears I had about her from early on---her colic to her delayed rate in accomplishing "kid" goals.  Looking back on it, I don't think there was anything wrong with her except that she was a gassy baby with a disagreeable personality--haha.  I love her just the same of course, but feel like an idiot---first time parents---geesh!

Gracen is 34 months and an absolute joy.  She is much like her mother---overly dramatic with strong convictions, little room for error, and sometimes anxiety ridden.  But she is passionate about things, and I am trying to teach her to gear them toward the "right" things. She is a bit "scaredy," and Lord knows I don't want her growing up like me....afraid of my own shadow.  I am doing my best to expose her to a variety of things and "make" her ride them out to show her that it's okay to be afraid but some things are just pretend.  She is still a HUGE fan of the Backyardigans and LOVES to sing and dance, which she gets from her Grandma Bean (Stephen's mom).  In addition, she is definitely her Poppy's granddaughter (my dad) as she loves any type of gadgets and tools (power drills, tape measures, etc.).  She loves to see how things work and move.  She is very sweet and likes to pray at night and talk about Jesus and Mary (particularly BABY Jesus).  It amazes me how she can remember the words and rhythm and melody to any song within a matter of minutes of listening to it.  In addition, she can count, say her ABCs, recognize letters and some shapes, all of her colors AND spell her name. Gracen LOVES to cook and bake with her daddy too. She is a sweet big sister...although a bit bossy sometimes!

Gracen never ceases to amaze me with the hilarious things that come out of her mouth.  Some of them are:

  • "That's a GREAT idea, Mommy!"
  • "Hmmm, wet's (let's) see."  She does this with finger to chin---just like her Grandma Bean.
  • "Mom, you order that for me, please."  (How does she know about ordering?)
  • In response to a question, I love when she says, "Ummmmmmmm, nope."
  • I'm also loving the new one, "Ohhhh, maybe not."
  • Everything nowadays is, "Mom, Santa bring me that?"---Santa must be a millionaire.
  • "Mom, can we go to Auntdonald's and get vuggets and fries."  I'm a bad mom.  She likes to go to MCDonalds and get nuggets and fries.  I think she calls it Auntdonald's because she has an Aunt Donna.  haha
  • The other day in the car she asked if she could get a robot at Target. I told her not today but Santa might bring it.  She told me with great certainty, "No, Grammy get it for me."  She knows how to work the system already.
  • "Oh crap."  I know it's not funny, but to hear her say it is.
  • "Sowwy, Mom."
  • "It's ok, Mom. It's just an accent (accident)."  This is normally in reference to not making it to the potty in time.
  • When she gets upset, it's "Oh my, oh dear, oh GOSH."
  • I love to hear her say, "What's da matter, Mommy?"
  • "It's ok, Park.  Hold my hand."  This is normally after she scares him in some sort of way.
  • My personal favorite lately is, "What you think it's going to be, Mommy?"  That's in response to me telling her that the Backyardigans are coming on. 
The list could go on, and it probably will when I think of more.  What a silly, beautiful, sweet, loving, energetic, and DRAMATIC little girl I have.  Mommy loves you, Gracen!

1 comment:

auntdonna said...

love what you are such an observant mom and sounds like you treasure gracen and parker so much and all their neat to recount precious moments and not so precious moments of Gracen's first 6 months!