Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ever working America

Every year around the holiday season, I take note of the signs that start to pop up around businesses..."Open 5 am to 3 pm on Thanksgiving Day!"  I understand this has been going on for years, but it seems that every year, one more business begins doing the "open on Christmas" or "open on Thanksgiving Day" thing.  Am I the only one appalled by this?  Well, maybe appalled is too strong of a word, but I find this to be a serious problem.  Just a thought, but will the whole world go into an economic crisis if McDonald's or Wendys is not open on Thanksgiving Day?  How about McKays?  I understand that making the almighty dollar is important for survival in today's world, but what about family, friends, and memories?  Yes, I understand that those employees probably get holiday pay and overtime for working those days, but I feel badly for them.  Once's part of what I believe is the problem with today's society:  too much emphasis on the wrong things in life.  I would love to see EVERYTHING shut down on important holidays (minus the essentials like the hospital and such).  Need gas?  Get it the day before!  Now there's a thought!  Plan ahead!  I don't know...this has something that has bothered me every year, but now I get to blog about it :).  What if we all just took a break?!  Wouldn't that be something!

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