Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So long, Backyardigans table

I spent most of the morning cleaning.  What else is new, right?   I can't stand clutter, and my house is a magnet for it.  I have roughly 1100 square feet of living space which just doesn't seem like enough.  I emptied out the kids'  toybox this morning and threw away some things; others I placed in a yardsale tub and the remainder I kept for Parker.  The toybox is not in his room as opposed to the end of my hallway, and I feel good about my accomplishment.  And yet, I don't feel GOOD ENOUGH.

The Backyardigans table is about to make its trip downstairs to the basement.  I do not want to sell it because it was/is a big part of Gracen's childhood, but she no longer uses it, and it's taking up space in my house!  I tried to explain to Gracen today, that if she wanted Santa to bring her new toys, we'd have to get rid of some old ones.  I'm not sure how I expected this to go over, but it didn't go over well.  She took one look at the empty space and said, "I don't have any toys!"  Brat.  Just kidding, but I was disappointed that not even a small part of her "got it".  Although, I will say later, that I heard her mumbling something to herself about giving toys to other kids.  I want my kids to grow up, knowing that they are fortunate and trying to help those that are not. 

Every holiday season, while working at St. John's, I made it a special point to get my students involved with the nursing home or raising money for our needy family through helping hands. This year, I feel lost.  I really want to do something meaningful with my children (particularly Gracen), but I'm not sure what.  Teaching was kind of my "vehicle" to do things such as that, but I'm not sure how to go about it this year.  Any ideas would be helpful.

I would like to do something hands on...soup kitchen, wrapping toys, etc.  It's too simple to take money and purchase toys and then dump them in the Marine Corp. Toys for Tots bin.  I can't imagine what would happen if every one in America (heck, the world) would promise to do one kind deed this holiday season...something that required their time and maybe even their money too.  I've been so busy making lists and checking them twice; going downstairs to count how many presents each kid has from Santa so far.  We obviously know that this isn't what Christmas is all about, but it easily becomes that every year.  My mom and dad raised me in such a way that I understand and have always understood that there are those less fortunate, and I want to reach out to them.  I remember when I was younger, thinking how "cool" it would be to adopt a needy family for Christmas.  Like, for real, take them in...let them spend Christmas with us, buy them gifts, etc.  I'm even sure that I proposed it to my parents.  Oh if it were only that simple!  Unfortunately, you can't do that in today's society because there are CRAZY people out there!  Anyway, whatever mom and dad did, I really feel like they did a great job of instilling that desire in me to help others.  I hope I can give the same thing to my children, and I worry that sometimes I am not headed in the right direction. 

Lastly, this morning I awoke to BREAKING NEWS from London. I began to panic that something had really gone wrong.  Was it a bomb?  Terrorism?  No, Prince William got engaged!  Are you kidding me, people?  THAT is breaking news?  Yes, Princess Di seemed to be a wonderful person and her kids are great, but REALLY?  I do not think that an engaged couple, who have EVERYTHING in the world, could or should be BREAKING NEWS.  I am serious when I say that's definitely one thing wrong with our society.  We put emphasis on the absolute wrong things in life.  Then again, I guess I am guilty of that myself, but I can't get on tv and influence millions of others with it. 

Ok, okay...the rant is over!  Parker seems to be stirring, and I am tutoring this afternoon--yay!  Remember...looking for ways to make a difference so bring 'em!  I can't wait to hear your suggestions!

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