Thursday, November 25, 2010

We did it!

I swear, everytime I say that all I can hear is Dora...WE DID IT, WE DID IT, WE DID IT, YEA!  lol

Anyway, we did it.  We all "survived" our first Thanksgiving without dad.  I can only speak for myself when I say that I had a total of about 3 private meltdowns.  One of them came after grace today at my grandmother's house.  No one would begin so I bent over and helped Gracen begin to say it.  When it was all quiet at the end, she pipes up....KISS POPPY.  Really, she says...KISS POPPY.  I have no idea what that means, but it was clear as day and quite obvious who she was talking about.  I'm telling ya...out of the mouths of babes.  Several of us all had a quiet meltdown, but it was so nice to know that he is still with us.  I know he is and so does Gracen....just ask her.  Later this evening we arrived at my aunt's house where half were watching the UGLY Dallas game (darn it) and the other half were in the kichen drinking wine and margaritas and eating nachos and yet more were downstairs playing.  And as I glanced around at all of my dad's kin, I realized; life really does go on.  And it was never more obvious to me than today.  Dad's presence was ever felt, and he was on everyone's mind, but there is no stopping time.  There is no stopping the sound of children laughing or Samuel Parker squealing or the loudness of all my dad's sisters---hahaha.  Love you all and thank GOD for you!

And so, after a very successful Santa shopping excursion last night, I look forward with great excitement to BLACK FRIDAY.  I will not be out early, unfortunately, but I will be out at some point...with or without the kids.  So the double stroller is revved up and ready to go, but if I don't need it and SOMEONE (ANYONE) wants to come and watch my kids, I won't be disappointed.  lol

Of course this blog would not be complete without a "thankful" list....which, I'm sorry, but they are so overrated.  And by that I just mean that one day is simply not enough to give thanks.  It's not enough for anyone.  I need to make a more conscious effort to give thanks EVERYDAY.  But, as I sit on my nice warm bed, I know that I have so much to be thankful for.  I am thankful that at the age of 31, every one of my dreams has come true.  I became a wife almost 4 years ago and had the most beautiful wedding ever.  I had a wonderful dad to walk me down the aisle---who is now a special guardian angel to all of us.  I have a great husband, despite all of our issues.  I have two beautiful, healthy, and bright children who are my world.  I have a roof over my head and heat in my house.  I have some change in my pocket to give my kids a good Christmas.  I have a circle of friends that keeps growing.  I have a wonderful mother, wonderful grandparents.....aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.  I really do have the best family in the world. I have the ability and the knowledge to read and write this blog to you even as we speak.  Basically, I have it all, and I need to see it that way more often.

So, it's 10:38 right now, and I better read my sale papers and hit the hay if I want to catch any deals tomorrow!  Nite everyone and HAPPY THANKSGIVING. 

This is what thankful looks like....

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