Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sooooooo sleepy...

Well, I'm exhausted and going to bed with a smile on my face.  Great day..nothing out of the ordinary...things just worked out.  Took my two babies to Target this morning with my AWESOME Chicco double stroller.  If you need a double stroller, this is well worth the money.  The kids were AWESOME, and I only spent $89.00...completely unheard of! 

The rest of the day went quickly, and I began my first tutoring gig this evening which I am SO excited about.  Came home and Stephen fixed me an awesome sandwich.  My babies played, the MIL stopped by and then my brother brought over our new dresser that Mom purchased for us.  I LOVE it, and it makes me feel like I have a "real" bedroom.  I am still waiting on the nightstand which my poor brother dropped off at Mom's house, thinking it was hers. 

Missing dad a lot tonight as my brother talks about the "hogs" this weekend.  If you are reading this and don't get it, don't worry about it.  If you are reading this and do get it, then you are obviously family or close friends.  Still sad for my brother...he seems so hurt all the time. 

Anyway...boring blog, I know!  I'm just exhausted and going to bed VERY soon.  My kids still have not adjusted to the time change, and I'm sure they'll be up at o' dark thirty tomorrow, but maybe not.  I can hope, right?  I will have something super duper interesting to talk about tomorrow.  Promise!  Nite all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a better day and GREAT on the tutoring gig!

Last month when I had Target gift cards for the boys' birthdays I actually left with MONEY LEFT OVER on the gift card. Must have been ill!