Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy 8 months, Sammy Parker!

March 22, 2010--- I woke up around midnight, thinking maybe I had peed my pants!  A little perplexed, but I went back to bed.  Got up 20 minutes later and had the same thing happened.  I thought MAYBE my water had broken, but I wasn't quite sure.  We called Dr. Polko and off to St. Mary's we went.  Grandma Bean came up to be with Gracen.  It's a good thing too because they kept me.  My water had broken!

My water breaking didn't induce my labor so they gave me pitocin.  After upping the dosage three times, I decided I couldn't stand it anymore and asked for my epidural.  It only took on one side, and I was in excruciating pain on my right side until THANK GOODNESS, the anesthesiologist came back in and doped me up again.  It wasn't long after that, that my little Samuel Parker Armsworthy was born at 9:32 am.  He weighed about 7 lb even and was only 19 inches tiny! 

My husband and I had a hard time picking out Parker's name.  I had a really strong feeling that I wanted to use my dad's name somewhere in Parker's name...I guess now I know why.  I wanted it to be Parker Samuel, but Stephen insisted on Samuel Parker, and I like that a lot better now.  I love to call him Sammy Parker.  He has been an absolute joy his entire 8 months here on earth (minus about a month when he wouldn't sleep and was super gassy).  To say that Parker has been everyone's light since July 16th (when we found out dad was sick) is an understatement.  Gracen has been wonderful too, but there is something about the love and joy of a little baby.  Gracen had 2 wonderful years with dad.  They did so much together.  Most of Parker's time with dad was spent sitting or sleeping in his hospital bed with him.  It sounds so dismal, but when I look back on it I realize how God's timing is so perfect.  I know without a doubt that Samuel Parker provided so much joy and love to my dad during those sad months in the hospital...and right up to his death.  Dad loved Gracen like no other, but I think her visits left him with a sadness...that he couldn't get down and play with her or hold her like he could when he was well.  Parker's visits were just perfect...he wasn't mobile, and neither was dad. So while Gracen had a great two years with dad, Parker had the last two months of his life.  And when I look back on it all, I am thankful that dad was able to see a baby boy with his namesake and one that brought him much joy and happiness in a dismal hospital room. 

Samuel Parker is movin' and groovin' these days.  He can sit up well, but refuses to because he always wants to move into the crawling position. Only problem is---he can't crawl!  He loves to stand, but he can't stand on his own.  He is a sweet and handsome little boy who is growing leaps and bounds everyday.  I can't believe he'll be a year old in 4 short months.  He LOVES Mickey Mouse and chuckles loudly at him.  He will smile at anyone who gives him a look. He has beautiful blue eyes, blonde "fuzzy" hair, and dimples.  He weighs almost 20 lbs with huge "hamhocks" for legs----my grandfather attributes those to his daddy (Stephen).  He will ride anywhere in the car without crying (which some of you may know as a parent, is a HUGE deal).  He has one little tooth that has come through and another one on the way. He does not want to WATCH you eat, but will rather dive at your plate instead.  That's where the PUFFS come in, which he absolutely loves.  He's a pretty good sleeper, for which I am thankful. 

I cannot tell you the way Parker....well, the way both of my children have touched my life during this very difficult time.  I am so grateful and blessed.  I love you, my sweet and handsome little Sammy Parker!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kiddos are adorable!!