Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Shrove Tuesday...

Or Fat Tuesday....or Mardi Gras....or whatever you celebrate.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  The beginning of all beginnings in my opinion.

I absolutely love Christmas time---even with my extreme confusion this year, I still loved it.  I love the tree, the warmth of cuddling with the kiddos, and the anticipation of the big day.  However, I'd have to say that the Lent and Easter season not only run a very close second, but might actually beat my love of the Advent/ Christmas season.  Yes, there I said it. 

To me, there is something so very "magical" about Lent and Easter.  It's probably cliche to say that it's like a "new beginning" because in essence, that truly IS what it's all about.  But there is just something about this time of year; the weather and the promise of spring coming and then the beautiful story of the ultimate sacrifice ---it just can't be touched. 

Lent is a new beginning because it's a time for reflection and change (Atheists would like to call this "New Year's").  We can look back on what we would like to "fix" in our lives and then have the perfect "excuse" to do it.  I'm not sure what I'm giving up for the next forty days or what I'm going to do, but I'm sure it'll come to me by tomorrow.  I need some quiet time for reflection, and well......you know quiet time around here doesn't come freely!  :)  Besides, if I boldly stated what my Lenten promises and sacrifices were then of course I would be boasting...and that's a no-no.

I can't write this blog without reflecting on my past Lents as a religion teacher at St. John's.  I am going to miss spending the next 40 days with the most awesome faculty and students ever.  I used to love working on Lenten projects and having special guests come visit our school during this time of year.  I would begin each religion class by reading from the little Lenten booklet  that the parish would provide.  It always had an interesting fact for the day, a Bible verse, and then an explanation of that Bible verse.  In addition, it would leave you with a little "thought" to ponder for the day.  This book always opened up such great discussions and really worked the minds of 9 and 10 year olds.  It was fabulous, and I cannot tell you how sad I will be to miss all of it this year.  I hope this will be the first and only year I ever have to miss it.  Oh...and Stations of the Cross....how could I forget that?  If you haven't been to Stations of the Cross in years (or at all), I strongly urge you to attend a few at St. John's.  They are normally held on Thursday afternoons during Lent (check the school website http://www.sjshollywood.org/).  There is nothing more refreshing and uplifting than remembering and celebrating the way of the cross with young children. 

I was very large and pregnant during Lent last year.  My dad was still alive and we had no idea of what was to come.  I've said it a thousand times, but things can change so dramatically in one year.  There is no better time than Lent to make a new beginning.  There is no better time to start over.  I still have many feelings over the passing of my dad.  I still close my eyes at night and see his immense suffering, and I cry over it.  I still wonder why it all had to end...I'd even be satisfied to know why it had to end THAT way.  But I've also realized that my bitterness and anger will not bring my father back.  If I truly believe that my Dad is in Heaven, then I have to believe there is a Heaven.  I have to believe that there is a greater and more wonderful being that governs that Heaven.  If I don't then I'm either a fool...or a hypocrit.  And who really wants to be that? I'm not totally healed....but I'm getting there.

We've all heard of the "30 Day Challenge"...it's going around everywhere, and it can be anything from a silly facebook photo game to a diet challenge.  So I say why not start the "40 Day Challenge"?  You in? 


Heather Cecco said...

I'm in :) I definitely need to focus on reflection this Lenten season. I've felt so scattered recently and need to regain some focus.

The Armsworthys of Clements said...

Heather, I find it amazing that a stay-at-home Mom can be so scattered. I mean, all you do is sit around all day eating chocolate and watching tv, right? :)