Monday, December 6, 2010

Jolly Ol' St. Nicholas...lend your ear this way...

St. Nick vs. Santa Claus...

Two different people and one very similar spirit. 

St. Nicholas was a real person, born in the 3rd century. His parents died when he was young and left him with wealth.  History has it that Nick was a very generous man who went around giving away everything he owned to the poor.  One of the most well known stories of St. Nicholas occurred when 3 young daughters of a poor man did not have dowries to get married.  It is told that St. Nick threw bags of gold into their windows on 3 different occassions so that they would be "worthy" of marriage and finding a husband.  The gold, the story says, probably landed in stockings and/or shoes that were set by the fireplace to dry for the night.  This is why children set out shoes or stocking so that St. Nick can come fill them.  It is this day, December 6th, that we celebrate his feast day in the Catholic Church.  St. Nick was also a great bishop who was imprisoned during the days of Roman rule. 

Last night, Gracen and I set out Daddy's shoes in the hopes that St. Nick would fill them....and he did!  St. Nick brought small toys this time...rather than gold or candy (he is keeping up with the times).  Gracen got Littlest Pet Shop pets and Parker got a cool key ring that plays songs.  I told Gracen the story of St. Nicholas last night in---in little kid language of course.  She didn't forget it, and it was the first thing she asked about this morning.  The excitement in her eyes made me forget that it was 6:30 am!  It's just a sneak preview for me of what Christmas day will be like for her, and I am beyond excited! 

So, St. Nick and Santa Claus are very similar but two very different people.  I used to teach my fourth graders that after St. Nick died, Santa kind of took his idea and continued the tradition. 

This time of year gives me an excuse to celebrate almost everyday with my children.  Once again, when I was little, we always received gifts from St. Nick and surprises here and there from "Advent Angels".  How could I not carry on such tradition?

And of course we all know that the Christmas season is about more than presents and tinsil.  I have to say that I'm very proud of Gracen because she knows that on December 25th, it's not only Santa Claus we celebrate but also the birth of the baby Jesus.  She will even tell me, "Mom, baby Jesus is born again."  She greatly enjoys opening up the Advent calendar every day (albeit there are chocolates behind each door), and she spends a great deal of time playing with her Little People Nativity.   How funny it was to find the baby Jesus in the back of her ice cream truck yesterday, with one of the three kings driving.  I kid you not!  Gracen is also VERY excited for her birthday this year.  I am reminded of it every falls on December 28th.

It is a blustery cold day here in Clements, MD.  The wind feels like it is coming through the walls!  I have to admit that it has been nice to stay here today and not have to worry about dragging the kids out so I can go to work.  I do really miss working though.  I attended Breakfast with Santa yesterday at St. John's and met up with some old co-workers.  Oh how I miss them and being part of something greater than changing diapers and cleaning house!  Giving up my job has been really hard for me.  I don't think some people understand that giving up your job can sometimes be like giving up your up who you are in some respects.  I miss feeling I have a purpose.  And yes, readers, I know my purpose is to be a mother of two beautiful children but let's think outside the box, okay?  The holidays have never stressed me out in all my 31 years.  This year, I am stressed to the max...and that's for numerous reasons of  course.

Well, the hubby is home and the kids are up so I'm signing off for now!  Tray, I hope you enjoyed this one. :)


auntdonna said...

Remebering when my friend Clara in Illinois introduced me to St. Nick...I made sure Angela & Lauren had nuts, oranges and small toys in their shoes...we didn't have St. Nick growing up...I love the new tradition you are doing for them and LOVED the wrapping paper

Tracy Baier said...

Thank you Shannie 2. I think the traditions that you have had when you were a child that you're passing onto your children are wonderful. Thank you for shedding some insight into "Jolly Ol' Saint Nicholas". I enjoyed reading this post as I do with every post you write. Keep writing and we'll keep reading. Give the kids and Rockstar our love.