Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hi, I'm Shannon, have we met?

I feel like I should be saying that to quite a few people in my life right now.  Between the financial stress of the holiday season and just the pure sadness of my dad being gone, this season sure hasn't started off the way it used to.....not that I expected it to I guess. 

Have you ever taken a look at your spouse and just thought, "Wow, what happened?"  Come on, I think most would be lying if they said, "No."  The past couple of weeks have left Stephen and me unable to agree on the color of the sky, let alone anything that has to do with raising a family. And I'm sure I haven't been the best person in the world either.  I love him to pieces and we always pull it together in the end.  It's just that lately, I feel like EVERYTHING has been a struggle....and it's not just with him.  Honestly, I'm just looking for a little bit of encouragment...a little bit of, "That's a great idea!" or "I'll help you out; no problem!"  And don't get me wrong, I have some great friends and family (and you know who you are), but I feel like THE most important people in my life are the ones I'm having the most trouble with.  I just want something to be EASY for once...okay easy is asking for a bit much, but smooth perhaps?  I don't know.  There are so many things I want to say and so many things I can't.  I just would like to encourage everyone out there...especially during this holiday season, to be supportive of your wife, husband, son, daughter, etc.  Try to meet every challenge, every question, every statement; with positive feedback.  You would not believe what a world of good it would do for the person on the receiving end....and you.   Even if you don't feel like it, force yourself to do it. 

I also encourage everyone this season to spend time with your kids.  Have more patience and less time-outs.  Teach them the TRUE meaning of a tiny baby was born unto us to save the world.  Make each day of December a special day full of love and giving. 

And you know what?  Santa's a cool guy too and it's okay to celebrate both in the grandest fashion. A "special" letter from the Man in Red would make any child's day (hint hint).  It would be even better if it actually ARRIVED in the mail box (hint hint).

Take pictures and make memories.

Give of yourself and teach your children how to give too.  Give as much as you can.  I love Christmas, and I love to give.  There is so much magic in both, and I owe it all to my parents.  They made Christmas such a magical time of year for my brother and me, while teaching us the importance of giving and showing us that there were others less fortunate.  This year, I am sending toys to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in memory of my dad.  There are so many charities worthy of giving to.  Pray and the Lord will direct you to the right one.

Spend the money.  Don't spend foolishly, but spend it.  Don't fight about it.  That "rainy day" might never come and then what good has it done for you?

Each day, Gracen and Parker renew my faith in God and in the Spirit of Christmas.  Gracen was absolutely enthralled with putting the ornaments on the tree this evening...almost to the point of  When we took the stockings out, her eyes GLOWED.   "What's that, Daddy?"

"It's a stocking, baby.  Santa fills it with goodies."

"Ohhhhh, a stocking."  She giggled as she held it and jumped up and down.  A simple.  I take them out and hang them up...not giving them a second thought; to her it's a great and wonderfully new discovery.  How cool is that?  Seeing things through Gracen's eyes makes life a lot brighter.

Lastly, dad's hat became our tree topper and final touch tonight.  It's a myriad of emotions that I can't describe. He'll always be part of our Christmases.


Anonymous said...

Love it!

Susan McDonough said...

Love it!