Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thank God for kids, there's magic for a while....

Dear Gracen and Samuel Parker,

If it wasn't for the two of you, I never would have survived this holiday season.  In fact, I never would've survived the past 3 months.  Your smiles, hugs and kisses, witty sayings, and pure innocence is what has kept me going every single day.  

I have tried to do my best to ensure that, even though you are young, these Christmases are the best years of your life.  I want you to experience all the magic and wonder that Christmas holds. I hope that I can give you all the happiness that you have given me.  Although, I'm not sure that's possible.

Gracen, you are such a sweet and smart little girl.  You are so much like your Mommy (which causes us some trouble now....probably a lot later :)).  You are full of life....and music!  I love watching you sing and dance around the house.  It amazes me!  You say things quite often that are not only witty and smart, but absolutely hilarious!  I know your Poppy is with you all the time and so very proud of his Baby Girl.  He loved you with everything in him....."up to the sky and back"! 

Samuel Parker...I had no idea at Christmas time last year, what a special treat we were all in for.  You are the sweetest baby in the world....and the most curious!  As I watch you now....pulling up, standing, and wanting to take off---I wonder where the last 9 months have gone!  Gracen loves you so much, and I know how much you love her too.  I look so forward to watching the two of you grow up together.  Your name is so appropriate as you are so much like your Poppy.  You are kind and approachable and have a killer smile.  I keep thinking how sad I am that Poppy will miss your first Christmas, first birthday, etc., but I have to keep reminding myself that he won't.  I know he'll be there throughout your whole life. 

So, to my little darlings....thank you is not enough.  I promise to always be available to you---physically and emotionally.  I vow to spend even more time playing with you in the new year, as I see these days going by way too fast.   I love you more and more with each day.  Everyone should be lucky enough to have a Gracen and Samuel Parker.



I's been a while since I've written.  I didn't want to depress my readers so I stayed off the blog.  This, is more of a reflection.

I have had that letter in my head for days now.  Every day since Thanksgiving, I have woken up with the same challenge...."How do I make this season count with my kids?"  Let's see.  We've done the Advent Calendar, Advent wreath, Little People Nativity, lists upon lists for Santa, seen Santa a gazillion times, been to NYC with Gracen, and made sure everything on our list for Santa is downstairs in the basement.  And yet, everyday, I always wonder if that's enough. 

You absolutely cannot beat the awe and wonder of children at Christmas.  It's a shame we can't all stay that way. Some people might say that my Christmases are a bit excessive.  It used to bother me, but this year it doesn't.  This year has left me with a whole different take on life.

Being an adult just plain old sucks sometimes.  Day to day life can often leave you problems with your job, your marriage, your family....everything!  How great was it to be young and have every single wish, sitting under a tree on Christmas morning?  Wouldn't that be great if adults could wish like that...and have it really come true?!  Yes, please!  Christmas is that one time of year when you have an "excuse" to bring out the magic!  ....So, do it! Gracen's birthday is December 28th, but if you ask her whose birthday is coming up, she says, "Jesus"...I must be doing something right.  Moderation is great, but all the stops have been pulled out at this house.  I greatly respect my friends that follow the Wise Men rule (3 gifts) or perhaps even a one gift rule.  I must not have the restraint---haha!  I guess the bottom line is Christmases were pure magic, and I want that to be the same for my kids.  They have the rest of their lives to understand this "real" world.  They will only believe in Santa for a short time, and I am going to relish every bit of it. 

So with that said, I hear Mr. Claus downstairs with his power drill.  I bet that "fast yellow racecar" is going to look fabulous, sitting in my living room on Christmas morning.

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