Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thank God for kids, there's magic for a while....

Dear Gracen and Samuel Parker,

If it wasn't for the two of you, I never would have survived this holiday season.  In fact, I never would've survived the past 3 months.  Your smiles, hugs and kisses, witty sayings, and pure innocence is what has kept me going every single day.  

I have tried to do my best to ensure that, even though you are young, these Christmases are the best years of your life.  I want you to experience all the magic and wonder that Christmas holds. I hope that I can give you all the happiness that you have given me.  Although, I'm not sure that's possible.

Gracen, you are such a sweet and smart little girl.  You are so much like your Mommy (which causes us some trouble now....probably a lot later :)).  You are full of life....and music!  I love watching you sing and dance around the house.  It amazes me!  You say things quite often that are not only witty and smart, but absolutely hilarious!  I know your Poppy is with you all the time and so very proud of his Baby Girl.  He loved you with everything in him....."up to the sky and back"! 

Samuel Parker...I had no idea at Christmas time last year, what a special treat we were all in for.  You are the sweetest baby in the world....and the most curious!  As I watch you now....pulling up, standing, and wanting to take off---I wonder where the last 9 months have gone!  Gracen loves you so much, and I know how much you love her too.  I look so forward to watching the two of you grow up together.  Your name is so appropriate as you are so much like your Poppy.  You are kind and approachable and have a killer smile.  I keep thinking how sad I am that Poppy will miss your first Christmas, first birthday, etc., but I have to keep reminding myself that he won't.  I know he'll be there throughout your whole life. 

So, to my little darlings....thank you is not enough.  I promise to always be available to you---physically and emotionally.  I vow to spend even more time playing with you in the new year, as I see these days going by way too fast.   I love you more and more with each day.  Everyone should be lucky enough to have a Gracen and Samuel Parker.



I's been a while since I've written.  I didn't want to depress my readers so I stayed off the blog.  This, is more of a reflection.

I have had that letter in my head for days now.  Every day since Thanksgiving, I have woken up with the same challenge...."How do I make this season count with my kids?"  Let's see.  We've done the Advent Calendar, Advent wreath, Little People Nativity, lists upon lists for Santa, seen Santa a gazillion times, been to NYC with Gracen, and made sure everything on our list for Santa is downstairs in the basement.  And yet, everyday, I always wonder if that's enough. 

You absolutely cannot beat the awe and wonder of children at Christmas.  It's a shame we can't all stay that way. Some people might say that my Christmases are a bit excessive.  It used to bother me, but this year it doesn't.  This year has left me with a whole different take on life.

Being an adult just plain old sucks sometimes.  Day to day life can often leave you problems with your job, your marriage, your family....everything!  How great was it to be young and have every single wish, sitting under a tree on Christmas morning?  Wouldn't that be great if adults could wish like that...and have it really come true?!  Yes, please!  Christmas is that one time of year when you have an "excuse" to bring out the magic!  ....So, do it! Gracen's birthday is December 28th, but if you ask her whose birthday is coming up, she says, "Jesus"...I must be doing something right.  Moderation is great, but all the stops have been pulled out at this house.  I greatly respect my friends that follow the Wise Men rule (3 gifts) or perhaps even a one gift rule.  I must not have the restraint---haha!  I guess the bottom line is Christmases were pure magic, and I want that to be the same for my kids.  They have the rest of their lives to understand this "real" world.  They will only believe in Santa for a short time, and I am going to relish every bit of it. 

So with that said, I hear Mr. Claus downstairs with his power drill.  I bet that "fast yellow racecar" is going to look fabulous, sitting in my living room on Christmas morning.

Monday, December 13, 2010

"If I had a million dollars"....I'd still work.

A year ago, if you had asked me, "Would you stop working if you won the lottery?"....I'd most definitely say yes.  As of today, I would say NO WAY!   

Let me first start out by saying, I love my kids.  There is nothing more true and more pure than the love you have for your child.  There is nothing greater.  I have enjoyed the last 6 months or so being home with my babies.  They have brought me so much joy and happiness.....but's time for a change! 

I didn't realize the impact leaving work (teaching) would have on me when I left back in September.  Part of me was apprehensive, but the other part of me was definitely ready for a break.  I realize I had all summer as a break, but beginning July 16th, every other day of my summer was spent traveling to Georgetown and back to be with my dad.  EVERY day was spent on the phone with doctors, radiologists, therapists....anyone I could find that would help us out.  It was stressful....way stressful.  I miss dad, but I don't miss that.  Bickering back and forth with my family over where he could receive the best care and how he could receive it wasn't great either.  So in essence, I didn't really get a summer "vacation" like I would've every other year.  When the middle to the end of August came, and I had to make a decision about work, a small sense of relief came over me to step down.  I was tired, and I need a "break".  I knew it would be stressful and hard financially, but I really never imagined just how hard or how stressful life would become.

I most definitely believe that everything major in life probably happens for a reason.  Part of me really believes that there was a higher hand in the reason why I didn't go back to teaching this year.  I don't have any idea why, and at this point in the game I'm a little upset as to why I haven't figured it out, but nonetheless it happened and here I am.  As I'm sitting here typing this, I'm feeling pretty down.  I never knew how much I would miss being in that classroom....despite all the problems that could arise from time to time.  You know, someone made the comment to me the other day that all I did was complain and complain about that job.  I guess they might be right, but then I would have to ask, "Who doesn't complain about their job?"  Honestly, if and WHEN I go back, I'll probably have some more complaining to do.  It doesn't mean I don't love it.  I complain about my husband too----but it doesn't mean I don't love him. lol

I went for an interview today for a part time job.  It is for your, run of the mill, filing, faxing, answering phones, etc. job for a doctor's office.  10 years ago, I did the same type of work while I was in school.  As I sat in that office today, waiting for my interview, I realized that it's not where I belong.  I belong back in the classroom.  And while I would gladly take this job and do it well and happily (if I could find a baby-sitter), in the end it would leave me feeling empty inside.  I miss teaching.  I miss my co-workers.  I miss changing lives and shaping minds as corny as that sounds.  I had a visit from an old co-worker today (we are still buddies), and it was the best 30 minutes of my day....probably the best 30 minutes of my week!  The only problem is that when she left, I felt the void....and I felt it big time.  I miss being able to talk to her as a friend AND co-worker.  Though she keeps me in the loop, it's not nearly the same.  My conversation about Gracen's and Parker's latest accomplishment doesn't seem to fit the conversation.  This isn't to say that it's not just doesn't fit.  St. John's is moving into their big, beautiful school within the next couple of weeks, and I would love to be a part of that more than anything...and I'm not----well, at least not this year.  I have high hopes for the future. 

So........I understand now why people who win the lottery go back to work.  I totally get it, and if I had a million dollars (BNL), I would do the same thing.  There are many people that don't feel that way, and that's okay.  In fact, there are many people who think I shouldn't feel that way.....and it's not really okay with me, but it is what it is, and I need to just put on my big girl panties and deal with it.

And lastly, and totally unrelated, I haven't had a pedicure since two days before my father was buried so we are talking about 3 months now.  Yes, you may go ahead and say ewwwwwwwww or throw  up in your mouth a little.  I don't blame ya!  But within the next couple of weeks, Christmas shopping done or not.....I'm getting a pedicure.  I am going to feel like a woman again....well, I'll settle for human.  And after Christmas I may even take some tutoring money and spring for highlights that haven't been done since July.  I hate how dark my hair gets in the winter.

So lesson learned, my friends.  Next time you stop to think about what you would do as a Lottery winner, you might want to think again.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Where are you Christmas?

Well, it's been a long time since I've "blogged".  Quite honestly, I really didn't feel like I had much of anything to blog about, and I'm not even sure I do now.  I've been under a rock for about a week.   Holidays have me kind of down...and it's not even all about dad. 

Anyway, I'm sure that I'm not much different than many people when I say that the holidays have me down.  So, what is it about this wonderful time of year that brings on depression, anxiety, and stress.  I highly doubt that when Christ came into this world as a tiny baby that he wanted this much anxiety to ring throughout the world every year on the celebration of his birth.  Does that make sense? Then again, we don't really know if his birthday was December 25th, but that's an entirely different story.

So, during this season, we go out of our way to buy the perfect gifts, find the perfect charity,  and see the many Santas.  And yet, the 25th comes and goes and we are left with this horribly empty feeling.  Where did Christmas go?  Wait, where was it to begin with?

Every December 26th, I swear that NEXT YEAR I will do things differently. I will savor every day from Thanksgiving until Christmas.  I will do every special thing I can with my children.  I will teach them them the true meaning of Christmas.  I will volunteer at a shelter or kitchen....buying toys is great, but it's so easy to shell out the money.  What are you really doing?  This year has proven to be even more challenging...with dad being gone. I find myself thinking about how this time last year, we didn't have a clue what was to become of our family.  Will this time next year bring anything like that?  I hope not, but tomorrow is not a guarantee...unfortunately.  And there isn't any way to prepare for such a thing, but it is constantly on my mind.

I am not saying that this entire season has been a complete let down...because it hasn't.  I have had highs and lows.  I have been overly excited about my latest Santa purchase, taking the kids to Bubbie Knotts, and then the thought of our upcoming NYC excursion...a week from tomorrow.  And BTW, can I say I'm not looking THAT forward to going.  Something just stops me in my tracks the minute I think about it....not sure what that is though. 

So, I have two weeks left to make this season COUNT.  Gracen and I do our Advent calendar every day.  We talk a lot about the baby Jesus being born and she loves her Little People Nativity set.  Of course, she is equally as excited about Santa, but that's okay.  The way I look at it....she has the rest of her life to live in the "real" world.  I want her to enjoy the wonder and awe of Santa Claus and Christmas while she still can....and Parker too! 

Perhaps, what makes us feel the most let down when Christmas is over, is that the "joy" stops.  The giving stops.  The awe and wonderment stops.  And the question is, "Why does it stop?"  And even more importantly....."What can we do so it doesn't stop?"  There is no rule saying that this is the only time of year that we can give, that we can surprise people, that we can celebrate.  I'm sure all of you have heard, "Every day should be like Christmas."  And really, I'm thinking the person that coined that phrase was right on target. 

So, here are my ideas for making this holiday season COUNT.

1.  I will be overly patient with my children....and trust me....that isn't always easy.
2.  I will be overly patient with my spouse and family.....and trust me (well you know the rest).
3.  The packages have been mailed to St. Jude but I will do my best to find another way to give of myself this season. 
4.  I will make contact with a friend I haven't talked to in a while.
5.  I will be a regular at church (the minute my husband gets off the boat).  My church-going has been slacking lately...well, more than lately.  I've been working some stuff out since dad died, but I hate being a hypocrit.  I don't want to be a twice a year Catholic.  Honestly, I would've gone sooner, but the thought of taking my two children to church by myself is less than appealing. I would have them dressed and there on time....only to leave at the gospel, sweating profusely and needing another shower. 

Those are just some of MY ideas but feel free to chime in.  I'm fresh out.

On another note, I have an interview on Monday for a part time job.  I pretty much have it if I want, but I'm not sure if I can even take it.  I don't have a baby-sitter for both days, and I don't want to send my kids to a daycare center.  I will still tutor and use the money from that to pay a baby-sitter and then hopefully keep some from the part-time work.  Like I said, that's IF I can do it.  I'm not getting a whole lot of support, which is very frustrating.  I wish I could go into detail, but I can't.  I just have to believe that things will work themselves out!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jolly Ol' St. Nicholas...lend your ear this way...

St. Nick vs. Santa Claus...

Two different people and one very similar spirit. 

St. Nicholas was a real person, born in the 3rd century. His parents died when he was young and left him with wealth.  History has it that Nick was a very generous man who went around giving away everything he owned to the poor.  One of the most well known stories of St. Nicholas occurred when 3 young daughters of a poor man did not have dowries to get married.  It is told that St. Nick threw bags of gold into their windows on 3 different occassions so that they would be "worthy" of marriage and finding a husband.  The gold, the story says, probably landed in stockings and/or shoes that were set by the fireplace to dry for the night.  This is why children set out shoes or stocking so that St. Nick can come fill them.  It is this day, December 6th, that we celebrate his feast day in the Catholic Church.  St. Nick was also a great bishop who was imprisoned during the days of Roman rule. 

Last night, Gracen and I set out Daddy's shoes in the hopes that St. Nick would fill them....and he did!  St. Nick brought small toys this time...rather than gold or candy (he is keeping up with the times).  Gracen got Littlest Pet Shop pets and Parker got a cool key ring that plays songs.  I told Gracen the story of St. Nicholas last night in---in little kid language of course.  She didn't forget it, and it was the first thing she asked about this morning.  The excitement in her eyes made me forget that it was 6:30 am!  It's just a sneak preview for me of what Christmas day will be like for her, and I am beyond excited! 

So, St. Nick and Santa Claus are very similar but two very different people.  I used to teach my fourth graders that after St. Nick died, Santa kind of took his idea and continued the tradition. 

This time of year gives me an excuse to celebrate almost everyday with my children.  Once again, when I was little, we always received gifts from St. Nick and surprises here and there from "Advent Angels".  How could I not carry on such tradition?

And of course we all know that the Christmas season is about more than presents and tinsil.  I have to say that I'm very proud of Gracen because she knows that on December 25th, it's not only Santa Claus we celebrate but also the birth of the baby Jesus.  She will even tell me, "Mom, baby Jesus is born again."  She greatly enjoys opening up the Advent calendar every day (albeit there are chocolates behind each door), and she spends a great deal of time playing with her Little People Nativity.   How funny it was to find the baby Jesus in the back of her ice cream truck yesterday, with one of the three kings driving.  I kid you not!  Gracen is also VERY excited for her birthday this year.  I am reminded of it every falls on December 28th.

It is a blustery cold day here in Clements, MD.  The wind feels like it is coming through the walls!  I have to admit that it has been nice to stay here today and not have to worry about dragging the kids out so I can go to work.  I do really miss working though.  I attended Breakfast with Santa yesterday at St. John's and met up with some old co-workers.  Oh how I miss them and being part of something greater than changing diapers and cleaning house!  Giving up my job has been really hard for me.  I don't think some people understand that giving up your job can sometimes be like giving up your up who you are in some respects.  I miss feeling I have a purpose.  And yes, readers, I know my purpose is to be a mother of two beautiful children but let's think outside the box, okay?  The holidays have never stressed me out in all my 31 years.  This year, I am stressed to the max...and that's for numerous reasons of  course.

Well, the hubby is home and the kids are up so I'm signing off for now!  Tray, I hope you enjoyed this one. :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hi, I'm Shannon, have we met?

I feel like I should be saying that to quite a few people in my life right now.  Between the financial stress of the holiday season and just the pure sadness of my dad being gone, this season sure hasn't started off the way it used to.....not that I expected it to I guess. 

Have you ever taken a look at your spouse and just thought, "Wow, what happened?"  Come on, I think most would be lying if they said, "No."  The past couple of weeks have left Stephen and me unable to agree on the color of the sky, let alone anything that has to do with raising a family. And I'm sure I haven't been the best person in the world either.  I love him to pieces and we always pull it together in the end.  It's just that lately, I feel like EVERYTHING has been a struggle....and it's not just with him.  Honestly, I'm just looking for a little bit of encouragment...a little bit of, "That's a great idea!" or "I'll help you out; no problem!"  And don't get me wrong, I have some great friends and family (and you know who you are), but I feel like THE most important people in my life are the ones I'm having the most trouble with.  I just want something to be EASY for once...okay easy is asking for a bit much, but smooth perhaps?  I don't know.  There are so many things I want to say and so many things I can't.  I just would like to encourage everyone out there...especially during this holiday season, to be supportive of your wife, husband, son, daughter, etc.  Try to meet every challenge, every question, every statement; with positive feedback.  You would not believe what a world of good it would do for the person on the receiving end....and you.   Even if you don't feel like it, force yourself to do it. 

I also encourage everyone this season to spend time with your kids.  Have more patience and less time-outs.  Teach them the TRUE meaning of a tiny baby was born unto us to save the world.  Make each day of December a special day full of love and giving. 

And you know what?  Santa's a cool guy too and it's okay to celebrate both in the grandest fashion. A "special" letter from the Man in Red would make any child's day (hint hint).  It would be even better if it actually ARRIVED in the mail box (hint hint).

Take pictures and make memories.

Give of yourself and teach your children how to give too.  Give as much as you can.  I love Christmas, and I love to give.  There is so much magic in both, and I owe it all to my parents.  They made Christmas such a magical time of year for my brother and me, while teaching us the importance of giving and showing us that there were others less fortunate.  This year, I am sending toys to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in memory of my dad.  There are so many charities worthy of giving to.  Pray and the Lord will direct you to the right one.

Spend the money.  Don't spend foolishly, but spend it.  Don't fight about it.  That "rainy day" might never come and then what good has it done for you?

Each day, Gracen and Parker renew my faith in God and in the Spirit of Christmas.  Gracen was absolutely enthralled with putting the ornaments on the tree this evening...almost to the point of  When we took the stockings out, her eyes GLOWED.   "What's that, Daddy?"

"It's a stocking, baby.  Santa fills it with goodies."

"Ohhhhh, a stocking."  She giggled as she held it and jumped up and down.  A simple.  I take them out and hang them up...not giving them a second thought; to her it's a great and wonderfully new discovery.  How cool is that?  Seeing things through Gracen's eyes makes life a lot brighter.

Lastly, dad's hat became our tree topper and final touch tonight.  It's a myriad of emotions that I can't describe. He'll always be part of our Christmases.