Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The hubby left for 3 nights and 4 days...

...And my house has stayed really clean, the kids have been well behaved, the house is more peaceful, and I actually really missed him.

Now, I hope you aren't too offended by reading that first line or thinking that I'm kind of a *&^^%.  Honey, if you are reading this, just hear me out! 

For starters, I really believe that in every relationship, you need a small break every now and again.  It really is true that "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."  In the case of me and my husband, you can find no better phrase. 

Stephen is the type of person that honestly needs his "time".  Now, I will agree with all of you when you say (A) That time vanishes when you get married and have kids or (B) Where is time for the wifey (I agree) or even both A and B.  I used to scream A and B all of the time, until I realized that no matter what argument I gave, I wasn't going to change his thoughts or mind.  In fact, I'm beginning to agree with him.  I, for one, am not the type of person that enjoys being away from my kids for more than a day at a time.  In addition, I don't need days upon days to recuperate and regroup myself.  My husband does.  AND I'M OKAY WITH IT.  It's his personality.  It's the way he has always been and always will be and there's no changing that so why bother trying.  Before we were married or engaged, it would be nothing for Stephen to take off one weekend and travel up to PA in his Honda Civic hatchback.  There, he would camp by himself and fish for the weekend...completely cut off from civilization (he had no cell phone).  On Sunday evening, he would return; refreshed and ready to begin the week. Things have changed in the fact that now when he goes away (which is seldom), he can't go away for more than a day without calling and telling us how badly he misses me and the kids.  I actually believe him. 

I was lucky enough to have my cousin Erika come stay with me while Stephen was away.  I am so thankful that I was able to stay in my own house without being afraid all the time.  In addition, I was able to avoid packing up the kids (and half the house) to go stay with my mom or his parents.  It was definitely a win-win situation.  Erika is an awesome help with the kids as well.  Thanks to my mom, my grandma (GG), and Stephen's mom, I was also able to keep all of my tutoring gigs which = me being able to keep my income for the week. 

I became somewhat renewed while my husband was away.  Sure, I had to work twice as hard, but it was rewarding.  I wasn't just part of a team; I was THE team for four days, and I'm pretty proud of what I was able to accomplish.  I made sure I provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the kids and it WASN'T McDonald's.  Gracen began falling asleep by herself for naptime and bedtime (a HUGE ordeal since she hasn't done that in her 3 years on earth).  Samuel Parker is starting to take more and more steps. I've gotten bath time down to a really quick and efficient routine.  The house is super clean and laundry is all caught up.  I do all of these things during the week, but this time, I did them daily and all by myself.  I know it sounds silly, but I guess I just needed to know that I am worth more than I thought I was. 

I'm not sure why things don't run quite as smoothly when Stephen is home.  It really hasn't nothing to do with him.  I think that sometimes we are so consumed with bickering about WHO should do WHAT that we forget the WHAT needs to be done regardless. 

Apparently, this fishing trip was exactly what Stephen had hoped for all along. So.........I'm really looking forward to seeing a well-rested, happy, and content husband within the next few hours.  I know it won't last forever, but it should last for a little while.  And that's good because I want my husband to be well-rested, happy, and content. 

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