Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Got my hurr did, and I feel like a million bucks!

You know, I have to say that I have a love/hate with getting my hair done.  It's not the cut that I's the ALMOST 3 hours it takes to have it colored, cut, and blow-dried.  That's why I only do the highlighting about 3 times a year.  But I have to say that having my hair highlighted and cut tonight was just what the doctor ordered. 

I must admit that I dreaded my hair appointment right up until the very moment tonight.  For some reason, sitting still for 2 1/2 hours, while drinking a glass of wine (if I so choose) and reading a People magazine just isn't what it used to be.  I sit there the whole time worrying about my kids and if I'm taking too long....or the house chores that need to be done, etc.  It's ridiculous.  I'm a hard-working mom so why do I feel like I can't spend 3 hours or so on myself?  Who knows?  Anyway, I'm so completely happy with my hair tonight though----thank you, Chris!   I even bought some "product"!  What a nice evening.  If you are looking for an awesome hair stylist, check out Chris Nelson at S-Kape-----love him!  He's just a baby in the biz but definitely knows what he's doing.  In addition, you don't have to sit there all stiff and uptight either.  He's an absolute pleasure to chat with!

Really, being so blah lately, a little different hairdo was exactly what I needed to feel human again.  I'm losing a little bit of weight and I have my new Bobby Brown make-up that I got in NYC so watch out world, here I come!  I love feeling like a young woman again...and a young mom at that.  I'm so motivated right now to keep it going.  I hope it does.  We'll see how I feel in the morning!  For 2 1/2 hours tonight--I WAS one of those fabulous women I was reading about in People.  *Sigh*....I can always dream, right?  I really love my kids, but as I've mentioned before....I need to get out and work!  A little make-up...something other than sweatpants....and a paycheck is something I long for!  I have to say though, I am cherishing each and every one of these days with my babies.  They are at the coolest age and really sweet kids, and I'm not just saying that because they are mine.  I find myself really making a conscious effort every day to capture all the memories I can.  I'm really sad that they are growing up way too fast.  I guess in a year or so, it'll be time for another one---hehe!

Well, make-up off and sweatpants on, this momma is on her way to bed.  I have every intention of heading to St. John's tomorrow to catch the 8th grade play, and I'm so excited about.  I miss my job so much, and I'm so excited to see everyone and the new school building.  Fingers crossed that my kids cooperate. 

Nite everyone!

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