Monday, January 31, 2011

Every action....

....has an equal and opposite reaction.   Gotta love that Newton guy!

Driving down to Target Saturday evening, with Gracen in tow (Target....shocker, I know!), this sentence popped into my head.  Almost 4 years into this marriage/kids thing, I have realized that all my life really needs is that sentence.  Everything I say and everything I do, whether it be with my husband, kids, friends, etc., needs to be done with Newton's law in mind.

If Gracen takes a dramatic fall, and I come rushing to her side with panic, she will respond with tears and panic.  If I slowly come to her and tell her she is okay, then she normally is; same with Parker too.  If I become enraged or aggravated with something my husband says or does, it becomes a direct catalyst in lighting his fuse (or keeping it lit) as well.  This law of Newton's can basically be applied to anyone in my life...even people I don't know.  Isn't it true that if you smile at a stranger, they are more than likely to smile back at you in return?

Now, you may say, "Shannon, that is an equal reaction---not an opposite one".  I can see what you're saying, but here is what I am saying...

Stephen and I argue.  He raises his voice to me and so I raise it back to him in a higher tone.  My purpose is to get him to back down or calm down or prove that I am right.  However, the reaction I'm looking for ends up being the opposite of what the situation needs.  Just like the example above with Gracen falling down.  I rush to her with panic and urgency, thinking my immediate and quick reaction will calm her down when she sees I'm coming.  However, all it does is make her panic---complete opposite of what I'm looking to do.  My reaction produced an equal and opposite reaction of my purpose for doing it.  Hope I'm making sense!

And so, it is my mission that I will make more of an effort to apply this law (or rather pay more attention to it) in my interaction with everyone on a daily basis.  I know it will be very difficult at times, but I really think it's essential for having a more peaceful life. 

Being a stay-at-home mom has not been easy for me, as I have blogged on more than one occassion.  It's about 8:33 in the morning right now.  Both of my kids are dressed, and here I sit, in all my skanky glory, until Parker goes down for his morning nap and allows me to take a shower.  My living room looks like Toys R Us exploded and Sprout is on television.  Parker has my camera, but I don't care because he's on carpet and it's keeping him super happy.  It's another cold day in Clements, and I long for A) a super snow storm or B) a tan and flip flops.   Either way, I'm sick of the bitter cold with nothing to do.  Bright side:  my tutoring business has picked up so when Stephen gets home, I'll leave and do that for a couple of hours---sa-weet!  I'm still thinking of my "get rich with one quick idea" scheme, but I only have a few ideas thus far, and I'm not talented enough to make any of them!'ll day!

Lastly, please check out my friend's blog.  She did a Top 20, "You Might Be a Mommy" things----laughed my butt off!  Here's a shout out, Brandy!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

thanks for the shout out shannon! and i'm with ya on the newton's law thing:o)