Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Everyone is looking for something...thoughts about communication with the other side.

Ever since my Dad died, life has taken on a whole new meaning for me.  I know it's a cliche, but I have more questions than answers.  I wonder about things more deeply than I ever did before (and that's saying a lot), and I want answers.  I used to be content with what I "knew," but death has opened up a whole new realm for me.....and so, here are my thoughts.....

Growing up Catholic and with a very, very, very religious mother, I was always told that you walk by faith, not by sight.....or anything else for that matter.  So let me start out with this disclaimer first.  Yes, I do believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  I do believe that we are cared for by a very loving God who doesn't MAKE things happen but ALLOWS them to happen for whatever reason.  I believe there is life beyond this world and there are 3 places that you could possibly end up when you die.  I have no doubt about any of this.  There is another beautiful and wonderful place beyond this world and that's all we should live for.  I get that.  I just think that people forget we are human.

As humans, we need answers....we need rationality....we need to know or believe that there is a purpose or a reason behind everything or for everything.  And I believe God understands that need because we ARE ONLY HUMAN. 

My Dad was a great man, an awesome father, an awesome husband, and an awesome Poppy.  I want to know WHY God "allowed" this to happen to him.  WHY my kids won't have time with him.  WHY he died so young and WHY he suffered so much.  Fr. Ray says not to ask WHY but ask WHAT we can do and God will always give us an answer.  I totally agree, but it's still frustrating. 

So......here's where I'm going with all of this......

A dear relative of mine (who will remain nameless!) sent me a few books in the mail recently.  One of them is entitled, George Anderson's, Lessons from the LightOf course, here is another "no-no" as a Catholic.  You are supposed to believe and that's it----no questions asked.  And you are CERTAINLY NEVER SUPPOSED TO SEEK THE HELP OR ADVICE OF A PSYCHIC OR MEDIUM.  And now here comes my next disclaimer.
I don't deal with the oujia board---as I believe it can let in evil.  In the same respect I worry about psychics too.....but this book does have my attention.

As I began reading about George Anderson and his life, I learned some very important things.  Number 1 being that he was born and raised Catholic.  Number 2 being that he claims he "hears" and communicates with the saints a lot.....very interesting.  Number 3 being that from what I read concerning his discernments (as he calls his meetings with the souls)  and meeting with families that he's pretty right on the money.  This guy is pretty credible in many ways.  The thing I like most about what he says is that his gift is not something people should rely on....that one visit is pretty much enough.  He also says that it isn't for everyone and that it is not meant to take away grief, which is a healing process all on its own. 

His book contains chapters with full transcripts of meetings he has had with individuals who have suffered the loss of a child, spouse, etc.  He provides a connection and peace for these people....and sometimes even closure that no one else can.  In some respects, he's even given me a little bit of peace.  For instance, he speaks of some souls who have come through to him....people who have died in tragic ways.  He says that when the souls come through that they tell him that they never suffered.  That even when their body was in so much trauma that God took care of them and their body went into a state that allowed no pain or suffering in.  I would love to believe this was the case with my dad, who not only suffered greatly the last two months of his life, but who also suffered greatly during his last hours. And if believe that makes me feel better, then what's so sinful?  He also says in his book that souls have told him they communicate through dreams with their loved ones.  This is especially meaningful to me as my dad appears in my dreams quite often.  Whether the dreams make sense or not (sometimes they do and sometimes they don't), I still love when he visits them.  For a minute, it feels like he is still with us.

There was a time long ago when I would've been an extremely narrowed minded person and spit on this book as blasphemy.  Now, having been through something so tragic, my mind is a bit more open.  Could this man have a real gift....a way to bridge us to the other side? Maybe or maybe not.  It's up for each individual to decide.

I have some dear friends who are really going through a rough time lately, and my heart aches for them.  I've been there....on a different level....but still hurting.  I really think this book would be good for them. 

So what do I believe?  I believe that God knows we are all human....therefore imperfect and sometimes needing a little more (He made us, right?).  I believe that all humans are put here on earth to help one another.  Some of us do and some of us don't, but we are all MEANT to help in different ways.   And I don't believe (anymore) that it's all "sinful" to need a few answers every now and again.  There is a fine line, which is not to be crossed......and I don't plan on crossing it. 

Everyone is looking for something, don't you think?  Are you looking?

And with all that being said, I'm going to let my good, Catholic guilt set in now for writing this blog. Think I'm kidding?  Nope, definitely not.

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